About the Journal
The Radinka Journal of Science and Systematic Literature Review (RJSLR) is a journal that focuses on research articles, reviews, and empirical research. This journal aims to facilitate research in all areas of life until the research articles and SLR method have been applied.
- Journal Title: Radinka Journal of Science and Systematic Literature Review
- Initials: RJSLR
- Journal Abbreviation: Radinka J. Science & Systematic L. Review
- Publication Frequency: Published three times a year (April, August, and December).
- DOI Prefix:10.56778/RJSLR
- Online ISSN: 2988-5825
- Peer Review Process: Blind review
- E-mail: journalhome@rjupublisher.com
- Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Ruth Rize Paas Megahati S, S. Pd., M. Si
- Publisher: Radinka Jaya Utama Publisher, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
- Indexing: Google Scholar, Crossref, Garuda, Road, Onesearch, Relawan Jurnal Indonesia
- Languages: English and Indonesian
- Focus and Scope: The Radinka Journal of Science and Systematic Literature Review (RJSLR) accepts manuscripts in the fields of natural sciences, agriculture, computing, tourism, management, law, and architecture. RJSLR publishes high-quality scientific research results: research articles, systematic literature reviews, structured literature reviews, meta-analyses, and bibliographic analyses.
The Radinka Journal of Science and Systematic Literature Review (RJSSLR) aims to provide space for teachers, postgraduate students, Ph.D. candidates, lecturers, and researchers to publish their work or research results. The Radinka Journal of Systematic Literature Review (RJSLR) publishes high-quality scientific research results.
Radinka Journal of Systematic Literature Review (RJSLR) provides direct, open access to journals. Publishing open access means your article will be free to access online immediately upon publication, increasing your research's visibility, readership, and impact.
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