About the Journal

Journal title: Journal of Digital Learning and Distance Education
Initials: JDLDE
Journal Abbreviation: J. Dig. Learning and Dist. Edu 
Publication Frequency: Monthly 
DOI Prefix: 10.56778/JDLDE
Online ISSN: 2964-6685
Peer Review Process: Blind review
E-mail: journalhome@rjupublisher.com
Editor in Chief: Dr. Ruth Rize Paas Megahati S, S. Pd., M. Si
Publisher: Radinka Jaya Utama Publisher, Padang, West Sumatra,  Indonesia
Languages: English and Indonesian
The authors in this journal come from Indonesia, Malaysia, America, Kosovo, Nigeria, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Philippines, Congo, Iraq, Peru, Afghanistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, and Hungary.
The Journal of Digital Learning and Distance Education (JDLDE) is an educational journal for primary and higher education. The Journal of Digital Learning and Distance Education (JDLDE) aims to provide space for teachers, postgraduate students, Ph.D. candidates, lecturers, and researchers to publish their work or research results. The Journal of Digital Learning and Distance Education (JDLDE) publishes high-quality scientific research results: original articles, review papers, book reviews, short communications, and other information.
Journal of Digital Learning and Distance Education (JDLDE) publishes research results with focus and scope: information technology, digital learning, distance education, mobile learning, web-based learning, educational technology, e-learning, blended learning, digital classrooms, virtual learning, and all research aspects in digital learning and education. The Journal of Digital Learning and Distance Education (JDLDE) is published monthly or 12 times a year. We invite authors around the world to submit their work to the Journal of Digital Learning and Distance Education (JDLDE).

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Vol. 3 No. 8 (2025): Journal of Digital Learning and Distance Education (JDLDE)
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